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Embark on a remarkable 1-day trip to explore the enchanting city of Fez. Immerse yourself in the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning architecture as you wander through the labyrinthine streets of the medina, visit iconic landmarks such as the Al-Attarine Madrasa and the Bou Inania Medersa, and indulge in the tantalizing flavors of traditional Moroccan cuisine. This day trip offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of Fez, leaving you with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Included and Excluded

  • Pick up and drop off at your accommodation.
  • Local guide.
  • Lunches and drinks.
  • Entrance fees.

Highlights of the Tour


    Fes el-Bali (Old Medina): Begin your day by venturing into the UNESCO-listed Fes el-Bali, the oldest part of the city. Lose yourself in its labyrinthine narrow streets, bustling souks (markets), and vibrant squares. Explore the ancient madrasas (Islamic schools), historic mosques, and traditional tanneries that showcase the city’s craftsmanship. Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University: Visit the prestigious Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University, founded in the 9th century. It is considered the oldest continuously operating educational institution in the world. Admire its beautiful architecture and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere. Bou Inania Madrasa: Explore the exquisite Bou Inania Madrasa, a stunning example of Moroccan architecture. Marvel at the intricately carved woodwork, vibrant zellij tilework, and the peaceful courtyard. Attarine Medersa: Discover the Attarine Medersa, another remarkable Islamic school known for its detailed stucco work and impressive architecture. Admire the stunning calligraphy and geometric designs that adorn the walls. Nejjarine Museum of Wooden Arts and Crafts: Visit the Nejjarine Museum to delve into Fes’ woodworking heritage. Discover a collection of beautifully crafted wooden artifacts and learn about traditional woodworking techniques. Tanneries: Take a moment to visit the iconic tanneries of Fes, where leather is still processed using traditional methods. Witness the dyeing vats and the colorful mosaic of leather goods spread out to dry, creating a unique and aromatic scene. Fes el-Jdid (New Medina): Explore the newer part of the city, Fes el-Jdid, which features historical sites like the Royal Palace, the Jewish Quarter (Mellah), and the enchanting Merenid Tombs. Enjoy a panoramic view of the city from the hilltop. Local Cuisine: Indulge in the local culinary delights of Fes. Sample traditional dishes such as the flavorful tagine, delicate pastries, and refreshing mint tea at one of the city’s authentic restaurants or street food stalls. Remember that Fes has a rich history and numerous attractions, so it’s impossible to see everything in just one day. However, this itinerary provides a taste of the city’s highlights and allows you to experience its unique charm and cultural heritage. Morocco's historical, cultural, and scenic splendors city to visit this panoramic city surrounded by forest and stones from which it took that name, by the way, the name comes from the Berber language. Before traveling to Fez, we will cross Cedar forest to visit Switzerland Morocco, and Ifrane, where we will discover sculptures of lions from stone and other magnificent outlooks.

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